About Color/Background Properties
= Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson =

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Color/Background Properties
color | layer-background-color | layer-background-image
background | background-color | background-image
background-repeat | background-attachment
background-position | background-positionX | background-positionY

What Do They Do?
Color and Background properties allow color control of both the foreground and background of an element's rendering box. The background properties also allow sophisticated placement and control of images to create background textures. The color and background capabilities behaviors originally available in HTML have been absorbed in to these CSS properties and greatly expanded.
Related Sites
Official Reference: CSS Level 1, Section 5.3.1-7
5.3.1: 'color'
5.3.7: 'background'
5.3.2: 'background-color'
5.3.3: 'background-image'
5.3.4: 'background-repeat'
5.3.5: 'background-attachment'
5.3.6: 'background-position'
Official Reference: CSS Level 2, Section 14.1-2
14.1: 'color'
14.2.1: 'background'
14.2.1: 'background-color'
14.2.1: 'background-image'
14.2.1: 'background-repeat'
14.2.1: 'background-attachment'
14.2.1: 'background-position'
Browser Reference: Microsoft MSDN

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