About International Properties
= Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson =

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International Properties
unicode-bidi | direction
ruby-align | ruby-overhang | ruby-position
line-break | word-break | writing-mode | ime-mode
text-justify | text-autospace | text-kashida-space
layout-flow | layout-grid | layout-grid-mode | layout-grid-type | layout-grid-line | layout-grid-char | layout-grid-char-spacing

What Do They Do?
The methods for handling text and language rendering in documents on a computer have evolved in western countries for several decades. These methods serve the needs of western character sets quite well, but there are other countries and users with other language needs. Methods to handle rendering in different languages have evolved in parallel to the methods used for western character sets.

Some character sets are much more complex than western character sets, and different schemes have evolved to handle this complexity in text entry and display. The International properties exist to facilitate the use of these special rendering schemes for non-Western languages.
Related Sites
Official Reference: CSS Level 2, Section 9.10
9.10: 'unicode-bidi'
9.10: 'direction'
Browser Reference: Microsoft MSDN
'layout-grid-char-spacing' (link has disappeared on MS' site.)

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