This property indicates a graphic to be used for the list markers in the list
structure. This should override the default appearance of list-markers in the current
HTML list structure. If a 'list-style-image' is given a value of 'none' or the
URL can not be loaded, the 'list-style-type' will be used in its place. The
'list-style-type' should always be specified in the event the URL pointed to in
'list-style-image' can not be loaded.
Allowed Values
Type: Explicit
Explicitly sets the value of this property to that of the parent.
Type: Explicit
No list-marker will be displayed for the list item.
Type: Explicit
This value indicates the URL source for the list-marker graphic. It can be either
an absolute or relative URL. If the graphic can not be loaded,
whatever 'list-style-type' property is set will be used.
Ext/Doc: ul {
url( }
In-Line: <ul><liSTYLE="list-style-image:
url(">test text in the list
Browser Peculiarities
Internet Explorer
- Does not apply to elements with assigned 'display' property of "list-item"
and does not apply to DL/DT/DD.
- Default horizontal alignment for marker images is right (OL-like
markers are left aligned and UL-like markers are center aligned.)
- Does not apply to elements with assigned 'display' property of
"list-item" and does not apply to DL/DT/DD.
- Default horizontal alignment for marker images is right when
applied to OL lists, center when applied to UL lists.
- Using a list-style-image on a list-item interrupts the previous
counting sequence and the next marker will continue counting at zero.
For example, a 3 item OL list with a list-style-image on the second
LI element will have markers like this: "1., [image], 0." instead of
"1., [image], 3."