There are three ways to attach style information to documents in CSS, two
of which are only applicable to HTML documents. Each of the main methods
has its own place in the cascading hierarchy, such that style information
can be specified using any or all of these methods for the same document,
if the document language permits.
A URL reference to an entire style sheet. Multiple external style sheet
references may be included in a document. The
@import At-Rule may also be used in
this syntax for including one or more style rule fragments from
disparate URL locations.
Applicable To: HTML specific syntax, using the
STYLE[-->Index DOT Html] element.
An entire style sheet is included in the HEAD section of a document.
Multiple STYLE blocks may be present in a document. The
@import At-Rule may also be used
in this syntax for including one or more style rule fragments from
disparate URL locations.