
Support Key: [CSS3] [N6|S1]
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= Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson =
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Applicable Elements:
HTML Equivalent:
What is it?
This is actually a very powerful pseudo-class used to negate a normal selector. CSS selectors are used to narrow down the set of elements that a rule set will apply to. This Pseudo-class directs the CSS to apply a rule set to everything that you did NOT select. Since existing CSS selectors can not cover ALL situations, this property can be useful.

It is very easy to make a ":not" selector that does not do what you intend - be sure to test your rules thoroughly. For instance, be careful when using :not generically - the BODY element will also be matched unless you specifically tell it to be ignored. (eg ":not([href])" will match all elements without an HREF attribute, including the BODY element and its descendents, while "body :not([href])" will only try to match all elements without an HREF attribute INSIDE the BODY element.)
  • a:not([href]) { color: green }
    Match all A elements that do not have an HREF attribute and turn the text content green.
  • body :not([href])
    Match ALL elements in the BODY that do not have an HREF attribute (will not match any text nodes at the top level of the BODY element either.)
  • body :not(div)
    Match all elements in the BODY that are not DIV elements (but may be nested IN DIV elements.)
  • a[href]:not([href=""])
    Match only those HREF hyperlinks that don't link to ""
    (if it just said a:not([href=""]) it would match all A NAME elements as well.)
  • body :not(.test)
    Match only those elements in the BODY that are not labeled as class "test."
  • body :not(#test)
    Match only those elements in the BODY whose ID is not "test."
  • body :not([class~="test"])
    Match only those elements in the BODY where "test" is not part of the class names. Actually, this is the same as saying
    body :not(.test)
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