CSS Media Types
= Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson =

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In CSS1, all of the CSS properties were targeted to the then-dominant paged/visual rendering paradigm. Already, alternative web navigation devices are on the market, offering much more variety and capabilities than was common in the past. This crucial fact was recognized in the creation of CSS2, and the expectation is that the variety of rendering platforms for CSS will only grow as time goes by.

CSS2 now allows for the targeting of style rules to specific media types. This means you can explicitly request that one or more style rules will only apply when rendering to certain device types, such as a printer, an aural browser or a handheld device. Several methods exist to target one or more style rules to one or more media rendering device-types:

CSS2 Media Types and Descriptions
The following list of Media type keywords is given in the CSS2 spec, and that same spec also does not consider this list to be definitive. If a browser claims to support a specific media type, it should implement all of the CSS properties that the CSS spec should apply to the indicated media.
Note: All media keywords are considered to be case-insensitive.

All May be rendered using any media-type device.
Aural Rendering targeted for speech and sound synthesizers.
Braille Rendering targeted for Braille touch-feedback devices.
Embossed Rendering targeted for Braille paged printing devices.
Handheld Rendering targeted for small or handheld devices (eg: devices with small screens, limited bandwidth or display capabilities - perhaps monochrome screens.)
Print Rendering targeted for page-by-page use, typically printed on paper.
Projection Rendering targeted for projection (eg: screen projections) using transparent media (eg: slides.)
Screen Rendering targeted for continuous (non-paged) color computer screens.
Speech Rendering targeted for speech and sound synthesizers. Added in CSS2.1. "Aural" is now deprecated.
TTY Rendering targeted for media that uses a fixed-pitch character grid (eg: terminals and teletypes.)
TV Rendering targeted for television-like devices (eg: color, basic sound capabilities, limited resolution and scrollability.)

CSS2 Media Groupings
The CSS2 specification specification defines which media groups that each CSS property applies to. It does so by aggregating the various media types by function and form
Description: This category describes the way a user experiences the entirety of a document with a given Media type.
Continuous - The document is experienced using a movable window/portal on the content with the Media type.
Paged - The document is experienced a page at a time with the Media type.
Both - CSS properties are applied using either continuous or paged media with the Media type.
Description: This category describes the human senses used to experience a document with a given Media type.
Visual - A document's content is experienced primarily using the eyes with the Media type.
Aural - A document's content is experienced primarily using the ears with the Media type.
Tactile - A document's content is experienced primarily using the sense of touch with the Media type.
Description: This describes the method used by a Media type to render character content.
Grid - Content is laid out using a character grid with the Media type.
Bitmap - Content is rendered as a bitmap with the Media type.
Both - Content can be rendered with a character grid or bitmap device.
Description: This category describes the level of interaction possible using a specific media type
Interactive - Media types which allow interactivity with the user
Static - Media types which do not allow interactivity with the user
Both - Applies to both Static and Interactive Media types.
Description: Applies to all Media types.
Options: All
Media Types versus Media Groupings
Each CSS property indicates the Media grouping that it applies to. The grid below, taken from the CSS2 specification, is a guide to which Media types belong to which Media Groups.

       Media Groups
 Interface Sensory Layout Interactivity
Aural ContinuousAuralN/ABoth
Braille ContinuousTactileGridBoth
Embossed PagedTactileGridBoth
Handheld BothVisualBothBoth
Print PagedVisualBitmapStatic
Projection PagedVisualBitmapStatic
Screen ContinuousVisualBitmapBoth
TTY ContinuousVisualGridBoth
TV BothVisual,

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