%Editing% Attributes
= Index DOT Html by Brian Wilson =

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What are the Editing Attributes?
These new global attributes are additions in Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5. They help allow IE to become not just a static web page viewing device, but a platform that can dynamically edit web pages as well.
Editing Attributes
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE5.5|N|O|S]
Required? No
Specifies whether or not the contents of the element may be modified by the user.
True - The content may be edited by the user.
False - The content may not be edited by the user.
Inherit - The control over the ability to edit an element is inherited from its parent element. [DEFAULT]
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE5.5|N|O|S]
Required? No
This attribute controls whether an element gives visual feedback when it has control 'focus'. In Windows this is indicated by a dotted rectangle within the elements' rendering box. This attribute does not specify how focus is given to an element, only whether visual feedback for that state is visible.
Values: NA
(IE's reference says that this attribute takes "true" and "false" values, but in direct testing, they both seem to have the same effect. Using this attribute as a standalone (no value) hides the element focus visual feedback, and not using this attribute defaults to having the element focus state giving visual feedback.)
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE5.5|N|O|S]
Required? No
This attribute indicates the user selectability for an element (usually initiated with a pointing device.) Element content that has this attribute set to "on" can still be selected by selecting surrounding content. Conversely, setting the UNSELECTABLE attribute to "off" also does not ensure that the element is selectable either.
On - Selection by the user is prohibited.
Off - Selection by the user is allowed. [DEFAULT]
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