Introductions to HTML
- NCSA's HTML Primer. One of the oldest is also one of the
best. Covers all the basic concepts needed to get started with the HTML language.
Highly recommended starting point.
- Ian Graham's 'Introduction to HTML'. A thorough treatment and fair
introduction to the language. Topics organized by location in HTML
document structure.
- Case Western Reserve's 'Introduction to HTML'. A great introduction
tutorial to the language but not a great deal of depth on any one topic.
- Case Western Reserve's 'Intermediate HTML'. The sequel to the
previous site goes into more depth on several topics including Forms.
- Jukka Korpela's 'Learning HTML 3.2 By Example'. Excellent resource
with both introductory topics and advanced tag reference information.
Based in Finland, but well worth the trip time.
- The Maricopa Center for Learning and Instruction's 'Writing HTML:
A tutorial for creating WWW pages' site. This site has many tutorials
organized in lesson format. A very nice introduction, and it is also
available in Spanish.
- 'Project Cool Developer Zone'. A fair introduction and some
very good tips to keep in mind when creating pages. It is a bit
dated though with respect to current HTML practice.
- Devry's 'Learning HTML' Resource list. This is a meta-index of links
to many tutorials and guides listed here along with many more to get
you started with HTML.
- Joe Burns 'HTML Goodies' site. Quite a few original primers, articles
and tutorials on many HTML topics. Main page is very tables-intensive
and can take a while to load.
Complete HTML References
- Alan Richmond's 'Web Developers Virtual Library'.
A MONSTER reference full of information and links on any web
topic desired. Highly recommended.
- Kevin Werbach's 'Barebones Guide to HTML'. A good cheat sheet for
current HTML information, and it is available in 20 languages! Very good site.
- The Web Design Group (WDG) site. Good overall reference on HTML
containing references on HTML, style sheets, and articles. Very good site.
- Ron Woodall's 'A Compendium of HTML Elements'. Another
list of tags, brief explanations and who supports them.
- HTML Writer's guild resource page. Many great links
to tutorials and references for HTML.