There are many who have helped me create these documents,
in the form of advice or suggestions as well as sanity checking and
proof-reading. In no particular order...
- Tapio Markula
I've been corresponding with Tapio for some time about CSS matters, and
the bugs/browser behaviors we both try to document. His own
site on CSS
in Finnish/English is a similar resource to my own in that we both are
trying to get to the bottom of just WHAT the browsers do and don't support
from the standards.
- Ronald and "Engineer
In the early days of the site for providing tons of ideas,
encouragement and content as well as feedback as to whether the pages
were readable to the common man.
- Stephen LeHunte
Who created the HTML Reference Library (a wonderful resource, but it is sadly
no longer being updated.) Through many emails on the latest goings-on in HTML
and CSS he was one of the few not to have that glazed over, bored,
"uh-huh" response to conversations about this subject. =)
He also was kind enough to let me borrow heavily from his site license
concept and wording (thankyouthankyou.)
- CSS Browser Bug Site creators
There are many resources on the Internet that also document CSS bugs in the
various browsers. In researching browser bugs to document on this site,
I consulted many of these resources as well as creating my own test files.
Here is a listing of resources consulted, along with a heartfelt thanks to
the authors for their existence - browser makers seldom go out of their way
to make bugs in their products public.
- The HTML Writer's Guild and
Great minds and even better feedback in these forums for authors.
- Tim Berners-Lee
For sending a response regarding
the early days of HTML when I ran into a bunch of dead links on the
subject on the web. Oh, and of course he also created the WWW and HTML -
For that we should all be grateful! =)
- The Mirror Site Maintainers
For the space
and their time - all donated. The web isn't totally
commercialized yet.
- There were many others that kept me pointed
in the right direction, gave feedback and alerted me to undocumented
browser behaviors. If I tried to list them all, I would inevitably forget
someone. For all of you, this is a general, genuine THANKS!! =)