  1. Internet Explorer 4.0 now recognizes this element only so far as common attributes are concerned - BLINK does not actually produce a blinking content effect in IE, but style sheet attributes and event handlers can be successfully applied.
  2. Opera 7.0 recognized this element in 7.0-7.11 only so far as common attributes are concerned - BLINK did not actually produce a blinking content effect, but ID, CLASS, STYLE and TITLE could be successfully applied. Beginning with 7.2, a blinking effect is produced.

Test 1:
filler text Plain BLINK element, no attributes filler text

Test 2:
filler text BLINK element, with class="test" (Gray color), id="test1" (green background), style ("word-spacing: 20px"), and title ("this is a title" on hover) attributes filler text