There is some odd behavior with forms and the LAYER/ILAYER elements.
If a LAYER/ILAYER element is nested inside a FORM element, and any widgets for the form
(buttons, text fields, etc) are contained within the layer, they will not appear/be rendered.
If a widget/field is to show up, the containing FORM element must lie within the
same LAYER/ILAYER element as its widgets/fields.
Plain FORM with a text, checkbox and submit button field.
Form has a medium, solid black border:
filler text
filler text
Plain FORM with ILAYER nested inside. Form has a medium, solid black border.
Text, checkbox and submit button fields nested inside the ILAYER.
ILayer has the following attributes: bgcolor="lime" height="100" width="300" left="150" top="50"
filler text
filler text
Plain FORM nested inside a ILAYER element.
Form has a medium, solid black border.
Form has Text, checkbox and submit button fields nested inside.
ILayer has the following attributes: bgcolor="green" height="100" width="300" left="150" top="50"
filler text
filler text