Mozilla/Netscape 6+ does not calculate the rows and cols attributes correctly. If you specify a TEXTAREA with rows=10 and cols=20, you will get a control that is about 22 cols/characters wide by 11 rows/characters. It appears that the difference is pretty constant - generally about 3 extra cols wide and one extra row tall. The reader that pointed this out to me also noted it appears that Mozilla is allowing space for the scroll bars in addition to the rows/cols you specify, even though they are not present by default. (bugzilla #33654.)

Textarea field with no rows or cols:
filler text filler text

Textarea field with rows=2 and cols=20. Actual character quantity inside:
filler text filler text

Textarea field with rows=2 and cols=20. Realistic character quantity inside:
filler text filler text

Textarea field with rows=10 and cols=30. Actual character quantity inside:
filler text filler text

Textarea field with rows=10 and cols=30. Realistic character quantity inside:
filler text filler text