Opera 6.0: Although support is marked for %Core% attributes (CSS),
very few of the CSS properties can be applied.
In the following examples, the CSS used is:
"color: green; background-color: #9999ff; text-decoration: underline; text-transform: uppercase;
font-size: 20px; cursor: ne-resize; border: medium solid orange; word-spacing: 5px; font-style: italic;
margin-top: 50px; padding-top: 50px"
Complex table, TABLE border=2, THEAD/TBODY/TFOOT separate the three table rows. No CSS applied:
filler text
TD Cell 1 | TH Cell 2 | TD Cell 3 Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text |
TD Cell 4 Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text | TD Cell 5 | TH Cell 6 |
TD Cell 7 | TD Cell 8 | TH Cell 9 |
filler text
Complex table, TABLE border=2, THEAD/TBODY/TFOOT separate the three table rows:
filler text
TD Cell 1 | TH Cell 2 | TD Cell 3 Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text |
TD Cell 4 Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text | TD Cell 5 | TH Cell 6 |
TD Cell 7 | TD Cell 8 | TH Cell 9 |
filler text
Complex table, TABLE border=2, THEAD/TBODY/TFOOT separate the three table rows:
filler text
TD Cell 1 | TH Cell 2 | TD Cell 3 Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text |
TD Cell 4 Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text | TD Cell 5 | TH Cell 6 |
TD Cell 7 | TD Cell 8 | TH Cell 9 |
filler text
Complex table, TABLE border=2, THEAD/TBODY/TFOOT separate the three table rows:
filler text
TD Cell 1 | TH Cell 2 | TD Cell 3 Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text |
TD Cell 4 Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text Filler text | TD Cell 5 | TH Cell 6 |
TD Cell 7 | TD Cell 8 | TH Cell 9 |
filler text