Units of Measure
= Index DOT Css by Brian Wilson =

Main Index | Property Index | CSS Support History | Browser History

What is it?
CSS is used to render information to a device. These devices exist in the real world and have dimensions and capabilities that are measurable. So, CSS provides a way for document content to explicitly specify how it will be mapped to a physical device. If a property value contains an illegal unit measure, the entire style rule should be ignored.
CSS Units
Relative Length
[CSS1|CSS2|CSS2.1] [IE3|N4B3|O3.5|S1]
Ems (em), X-Height (ex), Pixels (px)
Absolute Length
[CSS1|CSS2|CSS2.1] [IE3|N4|O3.5|S1]
Inches (in), Centimeters (cm), Millimeters (mm), Points (pt), Picas (pc)
[CSS1|CSS2|CSS2.1] [IE3|N4|O3.5|S1]
Relative URLs, Absolute URLs
[CSS1|CSS2|CSS2.1] [IE3B1|N4B2|O3.5|S1]
Single Hex notation ([#RGB]), Double Hex notation ([#RRGGBB]),
Integer notation ([rgb(r,g,b)]), Percentage notation ([rgb(r%,g%,b%)]),
VGA color names ([VGA Name]), UNIX X11 color names ([X11 Name]),
User Interface color names ([UI Name])
Degrees (deg), Grads (grad), Radians (rad)
Seconds (s), Milliseconds (ms)
Hertz (Hz), KiloHertz (kHz)

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