Deleted Text

Support Key: [2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE4|M|N6B1|O4]
What is it?
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End Tag:
Standards Details:
HTML: In all 4.x DTDs
XHTML: In all 1.0 and 1.1 DTDs
XHTML Modules:
CSS 'display' Type:
CSS Mapping:
text-decoration: line-through
Default Rendering:
Strike-through content
Official Docs:
HTML 4.x, XHTML 1.1
What is it?
The DEL element is one of two elements used (the other being INS) to allow revision control in HTML documents. The DEL element is nestable and can be used in conjunction with the INS element to indicate content and/or markup which has been deleted after the document's initial creation - it is not really eliminated from the document though. A date stamp is used to mark when the change was made and no destructive changes are ever made to the document. This is useful in areas such as the legal profession where historical change information is important.

HTML documents containing revision annotations will contain all content and markup ever applied to the document. Browsers that can interpret the DEL and INS elements could possibly display the "current" state of the document or display all content with common visual cues for inserted or deleted text. More advanced revision systems could allow for chronological snapshots of a document at any point in its history.

Common Attributes
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE4|M|N6B1|O4]
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE4|M|N6.1|O5]
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE4|M|N6.1|O4]
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE4|M|N|O]
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE5.5|M|N|O]

Specific Attributes
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE|M|N6.1|O]
Standards Details: In all HTML 4.x/XHTML DTDs
Required? No
Indicates the URL citing the reason for the change in the document.
Values: CDATA. [Either an absolute or relative URL. All URLs should be URL encoded where required.]
[2|3|3.2|4] [X1|X1.1] [IE|M|N6.1|O]
Standards Details: In all HTML 4.x/XHTML DTDs
Required? No
Indicates the date and time when the contents were deleted.
CDATA. ISO Date format:
[YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssTZD where:
   YYYY = Four-digit year
   MM   = Two digit month (01-12)
   DD    = Two digit day of month (01-31)
   hh     = Two digit hour (00-23, no AM/PM designation is used)
   mm   = Two digit minutes (00-59)
   ss     = Two digit seconds (00-59)
   TZD  = Time zone designator]
Markup example and Tests
<del cite="#oct12-2002" datetime="2002-10-12T12:45:00PST">Deleted text</del>
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